Set the crystal information on the monoclinic structrue

solid-solid phase transformations, influence of stresses and strains
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Set the crystal information on the monoclinic structrue

Post by swh2011 » Thu Dec 22, 2011 11:10 pm

Dear Bernd:
Recently, I am simulating the monoclinic precipitate precipitating from Fcc_a1 structure matrix. In the MICRESS .dri file, how to set the information for monoclinic structure ? Could you please give some explanation on these choices since it seems different choice will bring out different input question in the following chapter of the .dri file ?

# Crystal symmetry of the phase?
# Options: none xyz_axis cubic hexagonal

# -----------
# How shall grain orientations be defined?
# Options: angle_2d
# euler_zxz
# angle_axis
# miller_indices

Best wishes.

weihua sun

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Re: Set the crystal information on the monoclinic structrue

Post by Bernd » Fri Dec 23, 2011 3:53 pm

Dear weihua,

welcome to the MICRESS forum!

For describing "metallic" anisotropy, MICRESS provides only three choices: xyz_axis (tetragonal), cubic and hexagonal. There is no built-in function for monoclinic! Because there are too many possible anisotropy functions the user may wish to apply, our strategy for the future in this point is to provide a user interface which allows defining and implementing own descriptions. This user interface already exists as a prototype.

In many cases, precipitates of intermetallic phases form faceted interfaces. For faceted anisotropy, MICRESS allows the user to define arbitrary symmetries by specifying each facet vector independently. Probably, this would be the best choice for you at present.

More information about the faceted anisotropy models you can find in the thread: Facet Model in MICRESS.

Wish you Merry Christmas!


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