microstructures for forming operations cold/hot

ripening phenomena, dislocations, grainboundary topology
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microstructures for forming operations cold/hot

Post by swetha » Thu Feb 09, 2017 1:08 pm

Dear Sir
I would like to know about microstructure evolution during deformation by forming operations.I read a post regarding temperature time profile given as input.How it is equivalent to get the exact microstructure by giving stress? Also,for cold forming operations without temperature time profiles,how can we simulate in micress?Is there any possibilities? How is stress module useful for such examples? Please help me with this.

Thanks in advance

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Re: microstructures for forming operations cold/hot

Post by Bernd » Thu Feb 09, 2017 8:45 pm

Dear swetha,

When you talk about "microstructure evolution during deformation" you probably mean dynamic recrystallization. For that, we currently do not have a solution as we would need a formulation which describes formation of dislocations or stored energy during this process. Of course, this could be subject of future developments...
What we do have is static recrystallization models which describes "nucleation" and growth of new recrystallized "grains" as a function of a given dislocation field or stored energies. MICRESS also allows for simulation of static recrystallization on the sub-grain scale, where abnormal grain growth of sub-grains with low-angle grain boundaries can lead to large grains without need of using nucleation models.
Whether and how these models could be used or extended to simulate dynamic recrystallization I do not know. (At least MICRESS technically already permits to change per grain values of the reX energy or dislocation density via the "add_to_grain" nucleation option...)
I also have no idea how reading temperature-time profiles could contribute to the solution, except for describing the correct temperature dependent interface mobilities for the above models. The MICRESS stress solver is purely elastic and as such not able to predict formation of dislocations during plastic deformation.


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