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Output changed: .numR

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 9:32 pm
by Bernd
Dear all,

for versions of MICRESS newer than 5.502, the output of the .numR file has been changed. Before, the number of relinearisations which occured in each grid point since the last output time step has been coded there as decimal logarithm (more exactly, the decimal logarithm is taken of the number of relinearisations -.1), the logarithmic scales improves the visibility in the post-processor.
From MICRESS version 5.503, instead of the number of relinearisations, the total number of iterations which are calculated during the relinearisation is taken. This allows also to observe performance hotspots which are due to high iteration numbers per relinearisation.
As before, the output is negative if one or more of the relinearisations since the last output time step had numerical problems and produced at least a "try hard" warning.
One should have in mind that in triple junctions the numbers of iterations are added, so that high order junctions can mimic a hotspot!