inital temperature-field-file

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inital temperature-field-file

Post by Hans_IKV » Thu Dec 03, 2009 2:58 pm


I would like insert the temperature results of a sigmasoft-simulation as the initial temperature field for a micress-simulation. I get the results from sigmasoft as a vtk file. Is it possible for micress to deal with vtk? And if it has to be a textfile, does it have to look like a temperature-result-file for one time step (one temperature for each cell and a tabstop after each line)?


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Re: inital temperature-field-file

Post by Bernd » Thu Dec 03, 2009 4:26 pm

Dear Hans,

If you want to perform an uncoupled (e.g. grain growth) or concentration coupled (alloys) MICRESS simulation, with the next Release version which s coming soon you can read in one-dimensional temperature profiles (see also here). The format has to be ASCII (like if you write out a concentration scan as ASCII in DP_MICRESS), for each time (i.e. for each connection point in the thermal boundary condition input) you can read in a profile from an extra file or from two columns of a file. Between the connection points, the profiles are interpolated. In the new release, there will be an example driving file (Grain_Growth_Profiles_dri) for that.

In the case you are performing a concentration coupled simulation with 1d_temp-field (like in the example AlCu_Temp1d_dri), you can read in an initial one-dimensional temperature profile from an ASCII file, the temperature will be actively calculated afterwards.

In case of a temperature coupled simulation (e.g. solidification of pure Si), you can read in 1D, 2D or 3D ASCII files for defining the initial temperatur field.

MICRESS is able to create and to read VTK format, but not for temperature profiles! In case of temperature coupling it would make sense to read 2D or 3D initial temperatur fields as VTK, but it is not implemented yet.


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