The crash of the program

technical aspects of .dri file generation (e.g. debug mode ) etc...
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The crash of the program

Post by sunny » Fri Aug 20, 2010 4:48 am

Dear Bernd,

I just came accross one strange problem. Please find the error screen!

Everything can pass, but "segmentation fault" occurs when beginning
the simulation!

The version of MICRESS I used is 5.3 in Linux.

Look forward to your reply!

The error screen
Error.jpg (77.24 KiB) Viewed 2245 times

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Re: The crash of the program

Post by Bernd » Tue Aug 24, 2010 2:38 pm

Dear sunny,

From the information you are giving it is impossible to find out the reason why MICRESS is crashing like that (what it definitively should'nt do!). It would be important to know for example

- whether the crash occurs while writing the first output (t=0); you can find out that by checking whether there have been written already more lines to the .TabL file after the output, or by checking whether all requested output files have already been written and have the same time stamp.

- under which conditions the crash occurs (for which examples, depending on which parameters etc.)

- whether the crash occurs also with a more recent MICRESS version

- whether the problem occurs also on other maschines.

Depending on the findings, one could know whether this is probably due to wrong usage, to a system problem or to a MICRESS bug. If it is a MICRESS bug, we would certainly not correct it for the old version - why do you use the old 5.3 version?


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