Microstructure from file

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Microstructure from file

Post by nokkikku » Wed Apr 27, 2011 3:45 pm

Hi MICRESS team,

I used to run the script 'PGM_to_MICRESS' in Linux to convert the microstructures into text input file for the simulation. I changed to work only with Windows recently. I wonder how to do 'PGM_to_MICRESS' in Windows? Or is there any other methods?

Big thanks

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Re: Microstructure from file

Post by ralph » Wed Apr 27, 2011 6:18 pm

The CygWin - Toolkit contains a Linux-Shell emulation tool ( http://www.cygwin.com/ ). I hope installing it on a windows system is straight forward. I have never done this myself but I use the emulation.


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Re: Microstructure from file

Post by nokkikku » Fri Apr 29, 2011 10:39 am

ralph wrote:The CygWin - Toolkit contains a Linux-Shell emulation tool ( http://www.cygwin.com/ ). I hope installing it on a windows system is straight forward. I have never done this myself but I use the emulation.


Hi Ralph,

I will try that. Thanks so much.


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Re: Microstructure from file

Post by nokkikku » Fri Apr 29, 2011 11:51 am

Hi there,

I tried also to used the converted .txt microstructure file, which I made in Linux, with MICRESS Windows. It reported it cannot be read!! Is it because it was converted with the script in Linux?


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Re: Microstructure from file

Post by ralph » Mon May 02, 2011 3:06 pm

nokkikku wrote:Hi there,

I tried also to used the converted .txt microstructure file, which I made in Linux, with MICRESS Windows. It reported it cannot be read!! Is it because it was converted with the script in Linux?

Yes, that could be the reason. In the linux world, a line feed is enough to encode a new line. Windows uses an additional carriage return. Here, you can download a conversion tool ( http://www.thefreecountry.com/tofrodos/index.shtml ). There are two windows tools for conversion from/to windows (i.e. DOS format) in the zip file called "todos" and "fromdos".
I hope that converting the microstructure textfile using the "todos" tool helps.


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Re: Microstructure from file

Post by Raina » Wed Sep 16, 2015 8:14 pm


I'm using Micress doing the grain growth simulation.

During the simulation, first I would like run the isotropic grain growth and then followed by anisotropic grain growth. I would like to use the ending structure of the isotropic growth as the initial structure of the following anisotropic growth.

How could I save the structure information of the isotropic growth? In which format can it be read by Micress as an input file for the following anisotropic growth?

Thank you!


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Re: Microstructure from file

Post by Bernd » Wed Sep 16, 2015 9:50 pm

Hi Raina,

In principle, you could do it by using the last .phas output from the first simulation, which you convert to ASCII-format with DP_MICRESS. Then, for the second run, you can read it in as initial microstructure. You would switch on anisotropy in the phase definition and assign different orientations to the grains in order to simulate anisotropic grain growth.

The second option would be to include the orientations already in the "isotropic" simulation (anisotropic, but using anisotropy coefficients of 0). Then, you could easily use the restart option and just change the anisotropy coefficients. The advantage of the second method is that you do not lose information like in the first case when writing the .phas sharp (i.e. pixled).


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Re: Microstructure from file

Post by Raina » Wed Oct 21, 2015 2:58 am


Thanks for your reply for my previous question about how to use the output from one simulation as an input file of another simulation. However, when I implemented your methods, there still exist some issues I can't solve.

You provide two solutions.

First is save the last file as ASCII file and use it as the microstructure input file for another simulation. When I tried your first method, I saved .phase file as a ASCII file (t=6_7.vtk) and use this file as microstructure input, but after that, Micress ask for the grain properties, what type of file can I use as the input for grain properties? I have .intf .korn .mueS .orien .phas files available now.
1.png (59.23 KiB) Viewed 35649 times
As shown on attached picture, there are two questions asked by Micress. one is '' Treatment of data? '' another is '' Number of grains at the beginning? '' What are those two questions mean? What the meaning of the answer provided in bracket? Could you explain a little bit more?

Then I tried the second solution you provided, using '' restart '' instruction. I found that even I use '' restart '', later it still ask me to type in the Phase Data, which is the same as a new simulation run. If Micress using the data I typed in as the initial structure, I suppose that is not my goal for this simulation.

waiting for your reply.
Thank you,


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Re: Microstructure from file

Post by Bernd » Wed Oct 21, 2015 4:31 pm

Dear Raina,

The first solution I proposed requires reading the last .phas output as initial microstructure. This method has been implemented with the aim of reading experimental microstructures. Therefore it is necessary to provide further information like the properties of the individual grains by hand. The data treatment helps to adjust the picture orientation and to define whether the file contains information about phases or grains. If the file contains information about grains, each grain identifier (the field value in the ASCII file) will be interpreted as a grain number (as if you would read the .korn output from a MICRESS simulation). The disadvantage is that for each grain number, you need to define the corresponding phase manually (see below).
If the file contains phase information (i.e. grains of the same phase have the same identifier and are separated by boundaries, just like in the .phas output), you chose "p" for "phase to grain" conversion. Then, grain numbers will be automatically assigned such that there is a connected block for each phase. You will be informed about the minimum and maximum grain number for each such block, and can assign the grain properties more easily.
Assignment of properties can now be made either one by one in the input file ("input"), read one by one from an external file ("from_file"), made all identical ("identical") or be defined as identical within each block ("blocks"). Depending on whether anisotropy and recrystallization is defined, you need to define per grain only the phase number or also the corresponding additional information in one line. As you are interested in defining orientations for each grain, you should use "from_file" and prepare an ASCII file with one line for each grain.

The second solution is better in the sense that it uses all the information which is already in the MICRESS results, specifically in the .rest file. The restart functionality originally was designed for the case that a simulation crashed at a certain time, and one wants to continue it without any changes. The user is supposed to use the same input file as before, and just replace the keyword "new" with "restart", and give the file name of the former .rest file (and perhaps chose "append" instead of "overwrite"). In this case, all the information about the initial microstructure is lost by reading the .rest file. But this does not hurt, because it would be much more effort for the user to remove this information than just to leave it there.
There is other information which is still necessary, like the definition of the phases, elements, interfacial properties etc. And some of this information, which is not conflicting with information in the .rest file, can even be changed, so that modifications of the simulation run are possible. Unfortunately, it is not very transparent to the user which information can be changed and which not. For example, the value of the interface mobility or of a certain diffusion coefficient can be changed without problem, but it is not possible to change a diffusion term from manual input to database input. The reason in this case is that the .rest file contains information about updating times for diffusion coefficients from database, therefore compatibility is lost. The same holds for the anisotropy data: It is important that anisotropy has already been defined in the first run, so that you only need to change the values of the anisotropy coefficients.
Some of these incompatibility issues can be solved by using the "restart reset_time" option which removes all timer information and restarts from time 0. This would help in case of the diffusion coefficients, but not for the anisotropy.
A more powerful option is "restart structure_only" which only reads microstructure related data and removes all numerical information. This option even allows you to read only parts of a microstructure and to combine information from different restart files and could also be used for your purposes.


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Re: Microstructure from file

Post by Raina » Wed Oct 21, 2015 6:47 pm

Hello Bernd,

I really appreciate your quick response! I tried your second method again and still met some issues that I don't understand.
2.png (51.46 KiB) Viewed 35644 times
As shown in above picture, I used .rest file and chose ''append'', but still the simulation end and said the data is compressed which I don't think I compressed any data.
Later, I tried ''restart reset_time'', the result is the same. The simulation end after I enter ''append''.
After that, I tried ''restart structure_only'', the simulation still can not go on.
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could you help me to solve those issues?
Thank you.


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