3D files

aspects of evaluating simulation results and their graphic presentation using either DisplayMICRESS or other software tools. Features and possibilities of DisplayMICRESS
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3D files

Post by mtoloui » Tue Jan 19, 2010 11:15 pm

I have a 3D output file for 3D grain growth *. phas. The size of the file is 122 MiB. As the file is too big I cannot open it with DP_MICRESS.
1- How can I open it by DP_MICRESS?
2- How can I convert it to VTK?

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Re: 3D files

Post by Bernd » Wed Jan 20, 2010 3:17 pm

Dear mtoloui,

The important question whether you can open a MICRESS result file with DP_MICRESS is the size of the geometry. As the result files are compressed, the actual size on the disk is not relevant, because they have to be decompressed before being loaded into memory. Normally, if MICRESS is able to calculate and write the results, DP_MICRESS should be able to open them, even it if may take quite a long time...
First of all, you should check whether there is any other reason why DP_MICRESS cannot open the file like limited disk space, limited memory of the computer or too slow operation via a network. If the 32 bit address space is limiting, you should get a corresponding error message!

Before trying the following options, you should make a backup of your result files:

- Try to use DP_MICRESS to transfer the files to VTK format without displaying them. You can do this either from the graphical interface or in the command line: DP_MICRESS --VTK newfile.vtk source.phas (you can specify several source files like .conc1. and .phas; sometimes it seems as it would have crashed but nevertheless it produces a correct output). You will probably need a 64bit paraview version to display the VTK results...

- Try to use DP_MICRESS to reduce the resolution of the outputs by a factor of 2. Typically, you do not need full resolution for viewing the results:
DP_MICRESS --Rescale:1/2 -w newfile source
Alternatively, you can use the Graphical Interface (Transfer). Then, you should be able to view the new result files with lower resolution in DP_MICRESS.

If all that is not fruitful, you still can rerun the MICRESS simulation and write the outputs directly with smaller resolution (specified in the geometry input of the driving file as second optional parameter to the grid spacing).


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Re: 3D files

Post by mtoloui » Thu Feb 25, 2010 4:13 am

1- How can I get an ASCII output of a 3D microstructure for a specific time-step in which nodes within the grains are shown by their corresponding order parameters (similar to korn file)?
2- If I have an ASCII file representing a 3D microstructure, how can I introduce it to MICRESS as 3D initial microstructure?
Thank you

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Re: 3D files

Post by Antoine » Fri Feb 26, 2010 10:57 am

Dear mtoloui,

1- I think that in your case the simplest solution would be to directly work using the VTK file format.
To this end you need to switch on the VTK flag thus:

# Name of output files
# ====================
# Name of result files?
# Overwrite files with the same name?
# Options: overwrite write_protected append
# [zipped|not_zipped|vtk_zipped|vtk_not_zipped]
# [unix|windows|non_native]
overwrite vtk_not_zipped

An output will be issued for each output time. In the VTK files you will find all the output data specified in the driving file.
These data are binary data, using paraview you can easily convert them into ASCII.

2-To introduce a file representing a 3D microstructure you can introduce it using the VTK format (binary or ASCII). You need
to use the DATASET STRUCTURED_POINTS format http://www.vtk.org/VTK/img/file-formats.pdf. If you have any
problem with this approach please let me know.



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Re: 3D files

Post by mtoloui » Thu Sep 01, 2011 2:00 am

Dear Antoine and dear Bernd,

I have performed 3D simulations of grain growth with MICRESS and got outputs as unzipped-VTK files. I want to get ASCII outputs of the grain numbers “.korn” from 2D sections of the 3D structure. Apparently I have to use Paraview visualisation software. How can I generate those outputs in Paraview?

Thank you,

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Re: 3D files

Post by Bernd » Thu Sep 01, 2011 5:27 pm

Dear Morteza,

I am sorry, but noone in our house so far used Paraview for that, so that we are unable to help you. I guess, this should be documented somewhere in the Paraview manual...

Perhaps other members of the forum know more.


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Re: 3D files

Post by ifjanna » Thu Mar 06, 2014 1:31 am

Hello everyone,

I have got a problem with converting one of the mcr file to vtk.
One set of files, when going though the convertion procedure as showen in MICRESS manual Chapter 7 Data convertion, gives me an error message as "files appeare to be empty"

Please, let me know if you know how to overcome this issue

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Convertion of MICRESS results with DP_MICRESS 6.1

Post by ralph » Thu Mar 06, 2014 10:11 am

Dear Zhanna,

first, of course, I have to ask the obvious question. Did you check if the file is empty, i.e. are you able to display it with DP_MICRESS?

If the file is ok, it is an unknown bug in DP_MICRESS 6.x as far as I know. I recommend to use the version 7 of Display MICRESS which will be part of the next MICRESS release and is already available for download here:

http://web.access.rwth-aachen.de/MICRES ... _64bit.zip

There are no administrator privileges necessary. Just unzip and start with it. Results can be exported by the File->Export. The new user interface is pretty straight forward to use. I hope it is possible to get along with it without a manual which is not available yet.

If your company/institutes security policy does not allow to use the new DP_MICRESS 7.0, please send us the MICRESS result file together with the according geometry file (geoF) by email (support@micress.de). I will have a look at it.


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Re: 3D files

Post by ifjanna » Fri Mar 07, 2014 8:31 am

Dear Ralph,

Apparently it was a 6.1DP_MICRESS bug.
I tried your suggestion along with other way which is "overwrite vtk_not_zipped" and in both cases it worked fine.
Thank You for your help.

I am new to the simulation in general. Could you please look at the one more of my posts which is in "construct a multiphase structure" section?

Best Regards
3D.PNG (30.25 KiB) Viewed 8819 times
Last edited by ifjanna on Tue Mar 18, 2014 2:35 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 3D files

Post by ralph » Fri Mar 07, 2014 9:29 am

You are right. Using the MICRESS VTK output directly is a workaround to get a VTK file omitting DP_MICRESS 6.1.
However, DP 6.1 is not able to display or perform analysis on VTK files.
A capability, we introduce with DP 7.0.


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